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photos for
Rudolf Hess
12 April 1924
Putsch participants pose in Hitler's cell in Landsberg's fortress
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler with Julius Streicher and Rudolf Hess at the 1927 RPT
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler and party members in Nuremberg for the first Reichsparteitag
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the third Party Congress in Nuremberg
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
21 August 1927
Group photo of party members in Nuremberg at the 1927 RPT
28 February 1929
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess during a visit to Carl Röver and his family in Oldenburg
2 August 1929
Adolf Hitler arrives in Nuremberg for the 1929 Parteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler in Luitpoldhain with Franz von Epp and Franz Pfeffer von Salomon for the 1929 Reichsparteitag
2 September 1929
Adolf Hitler at Martin Bormann's wedding
25 October 1929
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Pfeffer von Salomon and Elsa Bruckmann at the Zirkus Krone in Munich during a rally of the Bavarian State Committee for the German referendum
12 July 1930
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade on the occasion of the Gautag in Gera's marketplace
12 October 1930
Adolf Hitler arriving at the Haus Elephant in Weimar, with Schreck, Hess, Dietrich and Hermann Esser
12 October 1930
Adolf Hitler gives the salute at the parade of Storm troopers in Weimar
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler reviews SA troops in Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
A little girl is offering Adolf Hitler a small bouquet during Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler in Gera's Gauparteitag
26 May 1932
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess leave the Köln cruiser in Wilhelmshaven
4 August 1932
Adolf Hitler greets some Party members in Neubiberg
5 February 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring in front of the Berliner Dom for the funeral of Hans Maikowski and Josef Zauritz
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler opens the first Reichstag
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler opens the first Reichstag
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler and members of the new government in Berlin for the National Labor day celebrations
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the SA rally in Nuremberg
8 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech to party members in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller for the 10th anniversary of the putsch attempt
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler and participants of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle for the 10th anniversary commemoration
1 January 1934
Adolf Hitler at the New Year reception for the diplomatic corps, presents his greetings to president Hindenburg
1 April 1934
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Rudolf Hess on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, with Jakob Werlin in the background
1 May 1934
Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, and Joseph Goebbels at the Tag der Arbeit in Berlin
14 February 1935
Adolf Hitler at the opening of the 1935 international motor show
1 March 1935
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade in front of the town hall in Saarbrücken, to celebrate the reintegration of the Saarland in the German Reich
4 May 1935
Adolf Hitler aboard the new German express liner 'Scharnhorst'
24 June 1935
Adolf Hitler visits Rudolf Hess in Hohenlychen Sanatorium
24 June 1935
Adolf Hitler visits Rudolf Hess in Hohenlychen Sanatorium
24 June 1935
Adolf Hitler visits Rudolf Hess in Hohenlychen Sanatorium
10 September 1935
11 September 1935
Adolf Hitler and NSDAP members in the Luitpold Hall in Nuremberg for the opening of the 1935 Parteitag
11 September 1935
Adolf Hitler and NSDAP members in the Luitpold Hall in Nuremberg for the opening of the 1935 Parteitag
11 September 1935
Rudolf Heß, Adolf Hitler, and Julius Streicher at the Party rally, Nürnberg
12 September 1935
Adolf Hitler walks down the steps to the Zeppelinfeld during Reichsparteitag
13 September 1935
Adolf Hitler arrives at the Zeppelinfield for the call of the Politischen Leiter in Nuremberg
13 September 1935
Adolf Hitler and Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, the head of the NS-Women's League, shaking hands at the Nuremberg rally for the Frauenschaftstagung
14 September 1935
Adolf Hitler salutes the crowd of HJ before his speech at the Reichsparteitag
15 September 1935
Adolf Hitler awaits the parade of the SA at the 1935 Reichsparteitag
15 September 1935
Adolf Hitler greets general Karl Litzmann and his wife on the Adolf Hitler Platz during the Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg
26 October 1935
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of the Reich Governor in Braunschweig and Anhalt, Gauleiter Wilhelm Loeper in Dessau
26 October 1935
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of the Reich Governor in Braunschweig and Anhalt, Gauleiter Wilhelm Loeper in Dessau
3 November 1935
Adolf Hitler at the inauguration of the rebuild of Ludwigsbrücke in Munich
6 February 1936
Opening ceremony of the IV Olympic Winter Games, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
6 February 1936
Adolf Hitler speaks at the opening of the Winter Olympic games
6 February 1936
Adolf Hitler at the balcony of the Olympic House during opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games
29 March 1936
Adolf Hitler discusses with officials after the Reichstag elections
19 May 1936
Adolf Hitler and officials salute at the funeral of Julius Schreck in Gräfelfing near Munich
19 May 1936
Adolf Hitler and officials at the funeral of Julius Schreck in Gräfelfing near Munich
3 June 1936
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of general Karl Litzmann
4 July 1936
Adolf Hitler and Fritz Sauckel delve of spade for the Platz Des Führer in Weimar
1 August 1936
Adolf Hitler declares the Olympiad officially open
14 August 1936
Adolf Hitler on the VIP tribune during Berlin's summer Olympics
14 August 1936
Adolf Hitler on the VIP tribune during Berlin's summer Olympics
8 September 1936
Nuremberg's mayor Willy Liebel presents Adolf Hitler with the honorary gift of the city of the Party rallies, a valuable hand-colored document
8 September 1936
Party members salute as the Horst Wessel Lied (anthem of the party) is played at the opening of the 8th Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg's town hall
11 September 1936
Adolf Hitler on the tribune of the Zeppelinfeld in Nuremberg in front of 14000 political leaders of the NSDAP
12 September 1936
Adolf Hitler gives his annual Reichsparteitag speech to the Hitlerjugend in Nuremberg's stadium
24 February 1937
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Munich's Hofbräuhaus for the anniversary of the founding of the party
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler at the tribune for the Tag der Deutschen Kunst in Munich
6 September 1937
Opening of the Parteikongress of the NSDAP in Nuremberg's Luitpoldhalle
7 September 1937
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Baldur von Schirach watch the HJ parade through the streets of Nuremberg from the balcony of hotel Deutscher Hof
7 September 1937
Adolf Hitler arrives in Nuremberg's Congress Hall
8 September 1937
Adolf Hitler in Nuremberg's Zeppelinfield for the call of the Reichsarbeitsdienst at the 1937 Reichsparteitag
8 September 1937
Adolf Hitler salutes the RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst, Reich Labour Service) parade in Nuremberg
9 September 1937
Adolf Hitler arrives to dedicate the foundation stone of the new German Stadium in Nuremberg
10 September 1937
Adolf Hitler greets Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, leader of the National Socialist Women's League (NS-Frauenschaft)
12 September 1937
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the Motor-HJ in Nuremberg
25 September 1937
Mussolini and Hitler in front of the Braun Haus
26 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during the Wehrmacht manoeuvres near Dalwitz
28 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Berlin's Maifeld
16 March 1938
Adolf Hitler arrives in Berlin after his flight from Austria after the Anschluss
18 March 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the Reichstag
18 March 1938
Hitler receives an ovation from the Reichstag after the Anschluss with Austria
18 March 1938
Reichstag session in Berlin
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of Vienna's Rathaus
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of Vienna's Rathaus
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of Vienna's Rathaus
10 April 1938
Adolf Hitler reviews the results of the plebiscite for Austria with Joseph Goebbels and Rudolf Hess
4 May 1938
Adolf Hitler and Mussolini at the monument of the Unknown Soldier in Rome
9 May 1938
Adolf Hitler and Count Ciano in Florence during a city tour on the Piazzale Michelangelo
5 September 1938
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Julius Streicher in Nurember's city hall the first day of the 1938 Reichsparteitag
5 September 1938
Opening of the 10th Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg's city hall
6 September 1938
Adolf Hitler speaking at the Nuremberg Opera House
6 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes Rudolf Hess at the opening of the 1938 Reichsparteitag
6 September 1938
Opening of the 1938 Reichsparteitag
6 September 1938
Opening of the 1938 Reichsparteitag
10 September 1938
Adolf Hitler arrives in Nuremberg's stadium before his speech to the Hitler Jugend
10 September 1938
Adolf Hitler greets BDM girls at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA in the streets of Nuremberg on the occasion of the Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA in the streets of Nuremberg on the occasion of the Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
12 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and officials of the NSDAP at the closing ceremony of the 10th Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler leaves Munich's station with Mussolini, Ciano and his staff before the Munich conference
29 September 1938
Conversation between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during the negotiations of the Munich conference
8 November 1938
Adolf Hitler in Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch seems to be looking at the hole in the ceiling from the shot he made in 1923
8 November 1938
Hitler at Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch
28 April 1939
Reichstag session
12 April 1940
Adolf Hitler at general Karl Becker's funeral in Berlin's Technische Hochschule
21 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and his staff in front of the armistice wagon in Compiegne. Hitler had ordered that the same railway coach from the 1918 armistice would be used for the 1940 armisitce with France
21 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and his staff in front of the armistice wagon in Compiegne, France. The wagon was taken out of the near museum and placed at the exact same location as in 1918
19 July 1940
Adolf Hitler after his speech about war with Britain and France, and his peace offer to Britain
30 January 1941
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Rudolf Hess in Berlin's Sportpalast for the commemoration of the Machtergreifung (take of power)
20 February 1941
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Adolf Wagner at the funeral of Hermann Kriebel in Munich
16 March 1941
Adolf Hitler inspects the honor battalion of the Wehrmacht in front of the memorial Unter den Linden
4 May 1941
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Berlin's Reichstag about the Balkan situation
4 May 1941
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Berlin's Reichstag about the Balkan situation
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