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First photograph of Adolf Hitler as a baby in his birth town Braunau am Inn
Adolf Hitler at the age of 6 (4th from the left on the top row) with his classmates in Fischlham, Austria-Hungary
September 1899
Adolf Hitler at the age of 10 (middle of the top row) with his classmates in Leonding
4 September 1900
Adolf Hitler at the age of 13 (top right) as a student of the Realschule of Linz, in the middle is his schoolmaster Prof. Oskar Lauger
7 August 1920
Adolf Hitler at the first meeting of the Austrian Nationalist Party in Salzburg, where he showed for the first time the swastika flag that he designed
15 April 1923
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Victoria Melita of Russia in Fröttmanning
June 1923
Portrait of Adolf Hitler in 1923 with his dog Wolf (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
June 1923
Portrait of Adolf Hitler in 1923 with his dog Wolf (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
June 1923
Portrait of Adolf Hitler in 1923 (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
June 1923
Portrait of Adolf Hitler in 1923 (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
2 September 1923
Adolf Hitler with Bavarian party members at a remembrance ceremony for former military forces in Nuremberg
2 September 1923
Adolf Hitler with Bavarian party members watch the SA parade at the Deutscher Tag (German Day commemorating the anniversary of the battle of Sedan) in Nuremberg
2 September 1923
Adolf Hitler at the Deutscher Tag in Nuremberg
2 September 1923
Adolf Hitler and Julius Streicher at the Deutscher Tag in Nuremberg
16 September 1923
Early party members pose with Hitler in his car at the Deutscher Tag in Hof
3 March 1924
Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants pose during their trial after the failed putsch in Munich
3 March 1924
Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants pose during their trial after the failed putsch in Munich
3 March 1924
Adolf Hitler with Erich Ludendorff in Munich's Kriegsschule during his trial following the failed putsch
20 December 1924
Adolf Hitler in front of the Bayertor gate across the Lech river after his release from Landsberg fortress prison. He spent only 9 months behind the bars (his initial sentence was 5 years)
22 July 1925
Adolf Hitler and Josef Stolzing near Bayreuth's Festspielhaus during the 1925 Bayreuth festival
4 July 1926
Adolf Hitler in his car in front of the parade of the SA during the second party rally in Weimar
4 July 1926
Adolf Hitler in Weimar for the second Reichsparteitag
26 November 1926
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels pose with party members in Hattingen
August 1927
Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of Hoffmann's camera
August 1927
Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of Hoffmann's camera
28 February 1929
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess during a visit to Carl Röver and his family in Oldenburg
22 June 1930
Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Frick and Julius Schaub in Bad Elster on the occasion of the Führertagung der NSDAP
14 September 1930
Adolf Hitler and party members pose in Heinrich Hoffmann's studio in Munich (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
14 September 1930
Adolf Hitler and party members pose in Heinrich Hoffmann's studio in Munich (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
14 September 1930
Adolf Hitler with Reichstag Delegates (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
14 September 1930
Adolf Hitler with 107 Reichstag Delegates (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
14 September 1930
Adolf Hitler with 107 Reichstag Delegates (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
12 October 1930
Adolf Hitler gives the salute at the parade of Storm troopers in Weimar
12 October 1930
Adolf Hitler gives the salute at the parade of Storm troopers in Weimar
13 January 1931
Group photo in Munich for the inauguration of the Braun Haus (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
29 March 1931
Adolf Hitler in Heinrich Hoffmann's garden at the confirmation (renewal of baptismal promises) of Heinrich Hoffmann junior
29 March 1931
Adolf Hitler in Heinrich Hoffmann's garden at the confirmation (renewal of baptismal promises) of Heinrich Hoffmann junior
22 April 1931
Adolf Hitler leaves the regional court in Frankenthal. The photo was manipulated and an Adolf Hitler Straße plaque was added to create a postcard in 1933
19 December 1931
Adolf Hitler at the wedding of Joseph Goebbels and Magda Quandt in Severin
17 January 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech for students at the tennis hall Fehrbelliner Platz
7 March 1932
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Nuremberg's Festhalle of Luitpoldhain (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
3 April 1932
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering at Berlin’s Tempelhof airfield
3 April 1932
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering at Berlin’s Tempelhof airfield
4 April 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace
4 April 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace
4 April 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace
4 April 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace
4 April 1932
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace
6 April 1932
Adolf Hitler greets some young boys at his arrival in Würzburg where he gave a speech in Frankenhalle in front of 4,000 participants
20 April 1932
Adolf Hitler after his speech in a giant tent in the Marburger Bürgerwiese in front of 40,000 people, children hand him small bouquets to congratulate him for his birthday
24 April 1932
Adolf Hitler leaving a polling station in Türkenstrasse in Munich for the election of the state government in Bavaria
13 June 1932
Adolf Hitler in Tempelhof airport in Berlin with Putzi Hanfstaengl and Hermann Goering
13 June 1932
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Hermann Göring and Ernst Röhm in Tempelhof airport
17 June 1932
Adolf Hitler in the Volkshalle in Gießen
20 July 1932
Adolf Hitler in Bremen
20 July 1932
Adolf Hitler in Bremen
20 July 1932
Adolf Hitler greets a woman at Bremen airport
21 July 1932
Adolf Hitler in his plane leaving Bremen
4 August 1932
Adolf Hitler greets some Party members in Neubiberg
13 August 1932
Adolf Hitler leaves Berlin's Reichspräsidentenpalais in Berlin after his interview with president Hindenburg
1 October 1932
Adolf Hitler reads a newspaper with Kurt Lüdecke during a picknick on their way to the first Reichsjugendtag der NSDAP (day of the Hitler Youth) in Potsdam
5 October 1932
Adolf Hitler in the restaurant Osteria Bavaria in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet in Berlin just after Adolf Hitler has been named chancellor
30 January 1933
Hitler with Franz von Papen and Alfred Hugenberg in Berlin's chancellery
30 January 1933
Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Göring, and Hitler on the day he was named Chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Göring, and Hitler on the day he was named Chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler speaks for the opening of the international motor show in Berlin
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring visit the International Berlin Automobile exhibition
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the February 1933 Berlin car show
14 February 1933
Adolf Hitler receives the press representatives in the chancellery
28 February 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring inspect the Reichstag after the fire
28 February 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring inspect the Reichstag after the fire
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler with his chauffeur Julius Schreck and Joseph Sepp Dietrich at his arrival in Potsdam on the occasion of the Potsdam day
26 March 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbel and Otto Dietrich sit near a Kachelofen (a typical German tile covered stove) in Haus Wachenfeld
6 April 1933
Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, and Vatican Apostolic Nuncio to Germany Cesare Orsenigo, in Reichspropagandaministerium Berlin
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler and members of the new government walk behind president Hindenburg in Berlin's Lustgarden for the National Labor day celebrations
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler and members of the new government in Berlin for the National Labor day celebrations
1 May 1933
President Paul von Hindenburg with Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Secretary of State Hans Lammers welcome the delegation from the Free City of Gdańsk
29 June 1933
Adolf Hitler visits Paul von Hindenburg and his grandchildren at his residence in Neudeck
14 October 1933
Adolf Hitler announces the withdrawal of Germany from the League of Nations
2 November 1933
Adolf Hitler visits the Friedrich Nietzsche archive in Weimar
25 February 1934
Adolf Hitler and Hindenburg commemorate the victims of WWI at the cenotaph of Unter den Linden, Berlin for Memorial Day
14 June 1934
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Venice during Hitler's first visit to Italy
15 June 1934
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Venice during Hitler's first visit to Italy
13 August 1934
Adolf Hitler is greeted by the crowd in Oberammergau
13 August 1934
Adolf Hitler is welcomed by a little girl in Oberammergau
24 September 1934
Private photo of Hitler greeting a crowd from his car in Munich
24 September 1934
Private photo of Hitler in his car in Munich
8 October 1934
Adolf Hitler during a visit at Landsberg Prison, where he wrote “Mein Kampf” during his imprisonment in 1924
January 1935
Adolf Hitler at Haus Wachenfeld in January 1935
January 1935
Hitler on a walk on the Obersalzberg in January 1935
15 January 1935
Adolf Hitler sharing Eintopf with Julius Schaub, Sophie Stork, Karl Brandt, Wilhelm Brueckner, Erna Hoffmann
15 January 1935
Adolf Hitler with Karl Brandt in the Wintergarten of Haus Wachenfeld
21 March 1935
Adolf Hitler during a visit in Wiesbaden
12 June 1935
Adolf Hitler signs an autograph for a young boy on the Hochlenzer near Berchtesgaden
5 April 1936
Leonhard Gall, Adolf Hitler, and Albert Speer visit the construction site of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich
12 April 1936
Adolf Hitler visits the Gästehaus Hoher Göll with Karl Brandt
19 July 1936
Adolf Hitler and Winifred Wagner in Bayreuth
20 July 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
20 July 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
20 July 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
20 July 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
20 July 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler signs an autograph on the back Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler signs an autograph on the back Wieland Wagner at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler at the villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth
21 July 1936
Adolf Hitler with the Wagner family in Bayreuth
18 August 1936
Adolf Hitler in his office in the newly renovated Berghof
4 September 1936
Adolf Hitler and David Lloyd George at the Berghof
19 October 1936
Adolf Hitler with Hermann Göring, and Baldur von Schirach on the Obersalzberg
19 October 1936
Adolf Hitler with Hermann Göring, Martin Bormann and Baldur von Schirach on the Obersalzberg
25 December 1936
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Max Amann, Baldur von Schirach and Albert Speer on Christmas day on the Obersalzberg
2 January 1937
Adolf Hitler with his guests during a walk on the Obersalzberg
2 January 1937
Adolf Hitler with his guests during a walk on the Obersalzberg
2 January 1937
2 January 1937
Adolf Hitler during a walk on the Obersalzberg
10 January 1937
Adolf Hitler in the Berghof great hall with the Goebbels family
February 1937
Adolf Hitler playing Kegel (German ninepin bowling) in the Berghof basement, where a play lane was installed
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler with architects Hermann Giesler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler with architects Hermann Giesler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg , from Eva Braun's albums
16 February 1937
Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer working on architectural plans in Bechstein house on the Obersalzberg
13 June 1937
Adolf Hitler and Kong Xiangxi (H. H. Kung) at the Berghof
13 June 1937
Adolf Hitler and the Chinese delegation at the Berghof
30 June 1937
Adolf Hitler greets Leni Riefenstahl at her Berlin house
8 August 1937
Casual photo in the Berghof great hall during Hitler's holidays (6-13 August), with Jakob Werlin sitting on the stairs
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler leaving his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler leaving his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler speaks with a woman in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler speaks with two women in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler with two women in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 August 1938
Adolf Hitler meets General Sir Ian Hamilton at the Berghof
7 August 1938
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Karl Brandt on the Berghof terrace
23 October 1938
Adolf Hitler and the Goebbels family pose for a press photo in Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest)
5 May 1939
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on the terrace of the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
5 May 1939
Eva Braun filming Adolf Hitler in conversation with Hermann Esser and Theodor Morell on the terrace of the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
11 May 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Hermann Esser on the Berghof terrace, from Eva Braun's albums
11 May 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Hermann Esser on the Berghof terrace, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
18 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Schloss Herrenchiemsee, from Eva Braun's albums
19 July 1939
Adolf Hitler at the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's nest)
7 August 1939
Adolf Hitler pose with Albert Forster and Wilhelm Zarske on the Berghof terrasse
23 August 1939
Adolf Hitler in the Berghof great hall waiting for the results of Ribbentrop's negociations about the german soviet pact in Moscow, from Eva Braun's album
23 August 1939
Adolf Hitler in the Berghof great hall waiting for the results of Ribbentrop's negociations about the german soviet pact in Moscow, from Eva Braun's album
23 August 1939
Adolf Hitler in the Berghof great hall waiting for the results of Ribbentrop's negociations about the german soviet pact in Moscow, from Eva Braun's album
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