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1 January 1934
Adolf Hitler at the New Year reception for the diplomatic corps, presents his greetings to president Hindenburg
1 January 1934
Adolf Hitler at the New Year reception for the diplomatic corps, in conversation with Italian ambassador Vittorio Cerruti and American ambassador William Dodd
1 January 1934
Adolf Hitler in conversation with the Apostolic Nuncio to Germany,
3 July 1934
Adolf Hitler meets King Prajadhipok (Rama VII of Siam) and his wife at Tempelhof Airport in Berlin
12 September 1934
Adolf Hitler in conversation with France's ambassador to Germany, André François-Poncet
4 July 1935
Polish Prime Minister Jozef Beck meets Hitler at the Polish embassy in Berlin
11 January 1937
Adolf Hitler in conversation with British diplomat Sir Eric Phipps during the New Year reception in Berlin
11 January 1937
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Chilean diplomat Luis del Porto Seguro Ovalle during the New Year reception in Berlin
11 January 1937
Adolf Hitler in conversation with French diplomat André François-Poncet at the New Year reception in Berlin's Reichspräsidentenpalais
11 January 1937
Adolf Hitler greets diplomats at the New Year reception in Berlin's Reichspräsidentenpalais
13 June 1937
Adolf Hitler and Kong Xiangxi (H. H. Kung) at the Berghof
13 June 1937
Adolf Hitler and the Chinese delegation at the Berghof
22 October 1937
Adolf Hitler welcomes the Duke and Duchess of Windsor at the Berghof
22 October 1937
Adolf Hitler with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor pose in front of the stairs of the Berghof
24 November 1937
Adolf Hitler in conversation with the Japanese ambassador in Berlin, Muschakoje Kimitomo, during a reception in the Japanese embassy
15 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet at the Berghof
15 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet at the Berghof. Chamberlain, in an attempt to appease Hitler, gives the Führer a verbal agreement of the annexation of the Sudetenland by the Reich
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet at the Hotel Rheinhotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet at the Hotel Rheinhotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler shake hands during Chamberlain's visit to Germany
22 September 1938
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler shake hands during Chamberlain's visit to Germany
22 September 1938
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Adolf Hitler, and Neville Chamberlain during the diplomatic meeting in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Adolf Hitler, and Neville Chamberlain in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain in Bad Godesberg
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain in Bad Godesberg
29 September 1938
Chamberlain (covered by Hitler), Hitler, Mussolini, and Daladier negotiating at the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
During the negotiations at the Führerbau w. Benito Mussolini, Hermann Göring, Paul Otto Schmidt, Neville Chamberlain
29 September 1938
Daladier, the French Prime Minister, speaking to Hitler through interpreter Paul Schmidt, at the Munich Conference in München
29 September 1938
Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano at the Munich Conference
24 November 1938
Adolf Hitler with King Carol II of Romania at the Berghof
5 January 1939
Poland's Foreign Minister, Josef Beck, is welcomed at the Berghof
12 January 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with French diplomat Robert Coulondre
12 January 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with French diplomat Robert Coulondre
21 January 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Czechoslovakian foreign minister František Chvalkovský in Berlin's chancellery
1 March 1939
Reception for diplomats in Berlin, in conversation with Neville Henderson
1 June 1939
Adolf Hitler with prinz Paul of Yugoslavia in front of the Chancelery
17 June 1939
Adolf Hitler receives Khalid al Hud, special envoy of king Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia at the Berghof
7 July 1940
Adolf Hitler in conversation with the Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano in the Reich Chancellery
28 July 1940
Adolf Hitler welcoming the Slovak President Dr. Jozef Tiso in front of the Berghof
29 July 1940
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Bulgarian infantry general Nikola Zhekov in the Great hall of the Berghof
23 October 1940
Adolf Hitler greets Francisco Franco in Hendaye near the Spanish border. The meeting could not take place in Spain as the Spanish railways did not have the same size as the French ones at the time, both trains had to stop at each country's border
23 October 1940
Adolf Hitler greets Francisco Franco in Hendaye near the Spanish border
23 October 1940
Adolf Hitler meets Francisco Franco in Hendaye near the Spanish border
23 October 1940
Francisco Franco with Adolf Hitler in Hendaye station
23 October 1940
Francisco Franco with Adolf Hitler in Hendaye station
24 October 1940
Philippe Pétain and Adolf Hitler in Montoire sur le Loir, France
24 October 1940
Adolf Hitler meets with French leader Philippe Pétain in Hitler's special train in Montoire-sur-le-Loir, france
12 November 1940
Adolf Hitler and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov meeting in Berlin
22 November 1940
Adolf Hitler receives Romanian diplomat Constantin Grecianu in Berlin, with the secretary of state Otto Meisner between them
22 November 1940
Adolf Hitler with Ion Antonescu and his interpreter, Paul Schmidt
24 November 1940
Adolf Hitler receives Slovakian prime minister Vojtech Tuka in Berlin
19 December 1940
Reception at the Reich Chancellery for the new Soviet Ambassador, in conversation with Vladimir Dekanozov
3 February 1941
Adolf Hitler receives japanese ambassador Saburō Kurusu as he leaves his diplomatic position in Berlin
21 March 1941
Adolf Hitler talking to foreign minister László Bárdossy (Hungary) in the Führerbau in Munich
27 March 1941
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Japanese foreign minister Yōsuke Matsuoka
28 March 1941
Adolf Hitler and the Japanese foreign minister Matsuoka on the balcony of the Reich Chancellery
11 May 1941
Adolf Hitler salutes Admiral Francois Darlan upon his arrival at the Berghof
22 May 1941
Adolf Hitler receives Dino Alfiero and other Italian ambassadors at the Berghof for the second anniversary of the Pact of Steel
6 June 1941
Adolf Hitler greeting the croatian head of state Dr. Ante Pavelic
19 August 1941
Adolf Hitler bids farewell to Spanish ambassador Eugenio Espinosa de los Monteros y Bermejillo in Wolfsschanze
28 November 1941
Adolf Hitler receives the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini
15 July 1942
Adolf Hitler received Iraqui foreign affairs minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani in Führerhauptquartier Werwolf
14 August 1942
Adolf Hitler receives Bulgar ambassador Parwan Draganov in Führerhauptquartier Werwolf
14 August 1942
Adolf Hitler receives Turkish amabassador Saffet Arikan in Führerhauptquartier Werwolf
18 December 1942
Adolf Hitler meets Italian foreign affairs minister Galeazzo Ciano at the Wolfsschanze
31 March 1943
Adolf Hitler with Zar Boris III in the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
31 March 1943
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Zar Boris III in the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
31 March 1943
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Zar Boris III and Joachim von Ribbentrop in the great hall of the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
31 March 1943
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Zar Boris III and Joachim von Ribbentrop in the great hall of the Berghof, from Eva Braun's albums
29 April 1943
Adolf Hitler at the Berghof with French Prime Minister Pierre Laval and Italian undersecretary of state Giuseppe Bastianini
22 April 1944
Adolf Hitler greets Benito Mussolini as he arrives at the train station before their meeting at Schloss Kleßheim
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