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22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the grave of Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof
22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the ceremony for Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof with Joseph Goebbels and Prinz Auwi (the Kaiser’s son)
22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the ceremony for Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof with Joseph Goebbels and Prinz Auwi (the Kaiser’s son)
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler leaves Berlin's Hotel Kaiserhof after his appointment as chancellor
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet just after being named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet in Berlin just after Adolf Hitler has been named chancellor
30 January 1933
Hitler with Franz von Papen and Alfred Hugenberg in Berlin's chancellery
30 January 1933
Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Göring, and Hitler on the day he was named Chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Göring, and Hitler on the day he was named Chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
Adolf Hitler at the window of the chancellery after he was named chancellor of Germany
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
1 February 1933
Hitler makes his first radio broadcast as German Chancellor in front of a radio microphone
1 February 1933
Original text of Adolf Hitler's first proclamation to the German people as Chancellor
5 February 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring in front of the Berliner Dom for the funeral of Hans Maikowski and Josef Zauritz
10 February 1933
Adolf Hitler gives his first public speech as chancelor in Berlin's Sportpalast
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler speaks for the opening of the international motor show in Berlin
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring visit the International Berlin Automobile exhibition
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the February 1933 Berlin car show
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the torchlight procession in Kassel for the inauguration of the Adolf-Hitler-Hauses
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the torchlight procession in Kassel for the inauguration of the Adolf-Hitler-Hauses
14 February 1933
Adolf Hitler receives the press representatives in the chancellery
15 February 1933
Poster for a speech by Adolf Hitler in Stuttgart's Stadthalle,
28 February 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring inspect the Reichstag after the fire
28 February 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring inspect the Reichstag after the fire
28 February 1933
The day after the Reichstag fire, and following Hitler's advice, president Hindenburg issues the Reichstagsbrandverordnung (Reichstag Fire Decree), which nullified most of the civil and political liberties in Germany
2 March 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Berlin's Sportpalast
5 March 1933
Ballot list of the Reichstag elections of March 1933
5 March 1933
Poster promoting the Reichstag elections of March 1933, following the Reichstag fire
5 March 1933
Adolf Hitler casts his vote at a polling station set up in a schoolroom for the Reichstag elections
5 March 1933
Adolf Hitler listens to the results of the Reichstagswahl elections in Berlin
12 March 1933
1933 Heldengedenktag in Berlin's Ehrenmal
12 March 1933
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Franz von Papen and general Von Blomberg at the Heldengedenktag ceremony in Berlin
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler with his chauffeur Julius Schreck and Joseph Sepp Dietrich at his arrival in Potsdam on the occasion of the Potsdam day
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler and the German Crown Prince Wilhelm on Potsdam Day
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler with Paul von Hindenburg and Werner von Blomberg at Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler with Paul von Hindenburg and Werner von Blomberg at Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler before the opening of the Reichstag in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler before the opening of the Reichstag in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler at the opening of the Reichstag, Day of Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler at the opening of the Reichstag, Day of Potsdam
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler opens the first Reichstag
21 March 1933
Adolf Hitler opens the first Reichstag
23 March 1933
Adolf Hitler declares the Enabling Act at the Reichstag Kroll Opera House, Berlin. The amendment gave him full power to enact laws without the Reichstag, and was the first step to a dictatorship in Germany
23 March 1933
Adolf Hitler declares the Enabling Act at the Reichstag Kroll Opera House, Berlin. The amendment gave him full power to enact laws without the Reichstag, and was the first step to a dictatorship in Germany
24 March 1933
The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz) document signed by Hindenburg, Hitler, Frick, Neurath and Krosigk, giving the Cabinet the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or consult with President Hindenburg
26 March 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbel and Otto Dietrich sit near a Kachelofen (a typical German tile covered stove) in Haus Wachenfeld
6 April 1933
Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, and Vatican Apostolic Nuncio to Germany Cesare Orsenigo, in Reichspropagandaministerium Berlin
8 April 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm in Berlin's sportpalast
20 April 1933
A little girl offers a bouquet of flowers to Adolf Hitler on the occasion of Hitler's 44th birthday
20 April 1933
A little girl offers a bouquet of flowers to Adolf Hitler on the occasion of Hitler's 44th birthday
29 April 1933
Adofl Hitler during a break at the Starnberger See
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler and members of the new government walk behind president Hindenburg in Berlin's Lustgarden for the National Labor day celebrations
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler and members of the new government in Berlin for the National Labor day celebrations
1 May 1933
President Paul von Hindenburg with Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Secretary of State Hans Lammers welcome the delegation from the Free City of Gdańsk
1 May 1933
Adolf Hitler is taking a speech in front of a huge crowd of 1,5 million at the Tag der nationalen Arbeit at the Tempelhofer field in Berlin
25 May 1933
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and his daughter Helga on the beach in Heiligendamm
29 June 1933
Adolf Hitler visits Paul von Hindenburg and his grandchildren at his residence in Neudeck
9 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Dortmund
9 July 1933
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the Westphalian SA in Dortmund
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler at the Sachsentreffen Gauparteitag Leipzig (regional party congress for Saxony) held in Leipzig
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations) during the Horst Wessel Lied (anthem of the NSDAP)
26 July 1933
Adolf Hitler with admirals Raeder and von Trotha at the funeral of admiral Ludwig von Schröder in Berlin
26 July 1933
Adolf Hitler with admirals Raeder and von Trotha at the funeral of admiral Ludwig von Schröder in Berlin
26 July 1933
Adolf Hitler with admirals Raeder and von Trotha at the funeral of admiral Ludwig von Schröder in Berlin
26 July 1933
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of admiral Ludwig von Schröder in Berlin
26 July 1933
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of admiral Ludwig von Schröder in Berlin
30 July 1933
Adolf Hitler crosses Crailsheim on his way to Stuttgart
30 July 1933
Hitler, Goebbels and von Papen at the 1933 Gymnastics Festival (Turnfest) held in Stuttgart
August 1933
Private photo of Adolf Hitler greeting people who came to see him on the Obersalzberg
August 1933
Private photo of Adolf Hitler greeting people who came to see him on the Obersalzberg
August 1933
Private photo of Adolf Hitler greeting people who came to see him on the Obersalzberg
August 1933
Adolf Hitler greets people outside of Haus Wachenfeld during one of the many times visitors could come and see him on the Obersalzberg
August 1933
Adolf Hitler outside Haus Wachenfeld on the Obersalzberg probably during the summer of 1933
August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, from Eva Braun's albums
August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, from Eva Braun's albums
August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, from Eva Braun's albums
August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, from Eva Braun's albums
August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld, from Eva Braun's albums
August 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goring relaxing on Haus Wachenfeld's terrace
3 August 1933
Adolf Hitler welcomes BDM girls at Haus Wachenfeld
3 August 1933
Adolf Hitler greets a little girl during a BDM visit at Haus Wachenfeld
3 August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld
3 August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld
12 August 1933
Adolf Hitler attends a Richard Wagner commemoration at castle Neuschwanstein
12 August 1933
Adolf Hitler attends a Richard Wagner commemoration at castle Neuschwanstein
27 August 1933
Adolf Hitler, President von Hindenburg and Hermann Goering in Tannenberg
27 August 1933
Adolf Hitler and President von Hindenburg at Tannenberg's memorial for the state act of the Battle of Tannenberg
30 August 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Nuremberg's town hall to open the fifth party rally
2 September 1933
Adolf Hitler speaks at the Zeppelinfeld in Nuremberg
2 September 1933
A trumpet call is announcing the speech of the Führer at the rally of the Hitler Youth in Nuremberg's stadium
2 September 1933
Adolf Hitler before his speech to the Hitler youth at Nuremberg
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm in Nürnberg
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler with Ernst Röhm at the Reichparteitag
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally with Röhm and Grimminger
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler consecrating the standards at the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally with Jakob Grimminger holding the Blood flag behind him
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the 1933 RPT
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the SA rally in Nuremberg
5 September 1933
Adolf Hitler with Werner von Blomberg at the 5. Reichswehrdivision manoeuvers in Feldstetten near Ulm
5 September 1933
Adolf Hitler and General von Blomberg in Blaubeuren
14 September 1933
Adolf Hitler crosses Pforzheim
14 September 1933
Adolf Hitler visits Oeschelbronn, Württemberg after a munitions plant explosion which destroyed 203 homes
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the ground breaking ceremony of the Reichsautobahn
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the ground breaking ceremony of the Reichsautobahn
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the ground breaking ceremony of the Reichsautobahn
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler launches the construction works for the Reichsautobahn (actual shovel used by Adolf Hitler)
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler with Viktor Lutze in Hannover's airfield
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler crosses Hannover in his car
23 September 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Hamburg's Stadthalle for the Reichsführertagung des Stahlhelms (55000 participants)
1 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at the Erntedankfest on the Bückeberg
1 October 1933
Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler and Franz von Papen at the Harvest Festival on the Bückeberg
1 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at the tribune during the Harvest Festival on the Bückeberg
2 October 1933
Adolf Hitler is greeted by Hindenburg’s son Major Oscar Von Hindenburg and the President’s Military adjutant, Captain Von Schulenburg in neudeck for the President’s 86th birthday
14 October 1933
Adolf Hitler announces the withdrawal of Germany from the League of Nations
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler greets Alberto Vassallo di Torregrossa, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bavaria on the occasion of the Day of German art in Munich
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler watches a parade at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art, which will replace the Glass Palace
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler watches a parade at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art, which will replace the Glass Palace
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art
22 October 1933
Ernst Röhm, Adolf Hitler and Franz Ritter von Epp at Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Ernst Röhm, Adolf Hitler and Franz Ritter von Epp at Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler and Franz Ritter von Epp at Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Ernst Röhm, Adolf Hitler and Franz Ritter von Epp at Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm at the closing of the festival at the Hall of Liberation in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade in front of Kelheim's Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Röhm und Adolf Hitler vor der Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler with Franz von Epp and Heinrich Himmler in Kelheim for the celebration of the Befreiungsfeier
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim, from an SA private photo album
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler leaves Kelheim's city hall after a speech for the Reichstag election campaign
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler leaves Kelheim's city hall after a speech for the Reichstag election campaign
2 November 1933
Adolf Hitler visits the Friedrich Nietzsche archive in Weimar
8 November 1933
Opening of the Party museum in the Sterneckerbraeuhaus
8 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech to party members in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller for the 10th anniversary of the putsch attempt
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler and participants of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle for the 10th anniversary commemoration
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler receives the honorary citizenship of Munich in the Brown House
10 November 1933
Adolf Hitler on his way to the Siemens factory to deliver a speech
10 November 1933
Adolf Hitler on his way to the Siemens factory to deliver a speech
10 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the Siemens factory
10 November 1933
Adolf Hitler leaving the Siemens works, after making his final speech prior to the German election
10 November 1933
Adolf Hitler with workers at the Siemens factory
30 December 1933
Adolf Hitler receives his war comrade Ignaz Westenkirchner after he paid for his return to Germany from the USA
30 December 1933
Adolf Hitler receives his war comrade Ignaz Westenkirchner and his family after he paid for their return to Germany from the USA
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