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2 August 1914
At the outbreak of WW1, Hitler participates in a rally at Munich's Odeonsplatz. Heinrich Hoffmann covered the event and discovered several years later that Hitler was on the photo (although there are doubts that it may have been edited for propaganda)
5 August 1914
Adolf Hitler enlists as a volunteer with the 6th reserve battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16 List
8 October 1914
At the end of his basic military training, Adolf Hitler swears allegeance before Bavarian king Ludwig III. Pictured is the List regiment parading in front of the king in Munich's Türkenkaserne
19 December 1916
Adolf Hitler recovers from a war wound in Munich, he sends a postcard to Karl Lanzhammer, a fellow despatch runner from his regiment, telling him he will report voluntarily to the field immediately
12 September 1919
Adolf Hitler is ordered to report the actions of a small political group, the German worker party. At a meeting in Munich's Sterneckerbräu, he got noticed by Anton Drexler, marking his entry into the Party and the beginning of his political career
16 October 1919
Adolf Hitler makes his first speech to the DAP (German Workers Party) in front of 111 participants in Munich's Hofbräukeller (artist view by Hermann Otto Hoyer entitled In the Beginning Was the Word, ca. 1937)
24 February 1920
Adolf Hitler presents the 25 points program of the NSDAP (Das 25-Punkte-Programm der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei) at the first public meeting of the party in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
11 May 1920
Adolf Hitler gives a speech to 2,000 party members in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
13 August 1920
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Munich's Hofbrauhaüs on the theme 'Why are we anti-Semitic?'
6 May 1921
Poster annoucing a speech to the young and workers n Munich's Hofbrauhaus
29 January 1922
The first Parteitag of the NSDAP was held on 29-30 January 1922 in Munich. Adolf Hitler made a speech each day in the Hofbräuhaus. The NSDAP counted 6000 members
22 June 1922
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Munich's Zirkus Krone
16 August 1922
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at a mass demonstration of the United Fatherland Leagues on Munich's Königsplatz to protest against the Law for the Protection of the Weimar Republic
20 April 1923
Adolf Hitler gives a speech on Munich's Marsfeld on the subject 'Why are we anti-Semitic?'
8 November 1923
At 8 pm, Adolf Hitler and several puschists forced their way into a meeting in the Bürgerbräu attended by the Bavarian Triumvirate and forced them to take part in a new government
9 November 1923
Adolf Hitler attempts to take power with a Putsch in Munich. There is no actual photo of Hitler this day, here is Munich's Marienplatz during the Beer Hall Putsch
3 March 1924
Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants pose during their trial after the failed putsch in Munich
3 March 1924
Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants pose during their trial after the failed putsch in Munich
3 March 1924
Adolf Hitler with Erich Ludendorff in Munich's Kriegsschule during his trial following the failed putsch
3 March 1924
Trial of the failed Putsch in the courthouse of Munich Adolf Hitler (2) and Ludendorff (4)
August 1927
Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of Hoffmann's camera
August 1927
Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of Hoffmann's camera
25 October 1929
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Pfeffer von Salomon and Elsa Bruckmann at the Zirkus Krone in Munich during a rally of the Bavarian State Committee for the German referendum
27 April 1930
Reich Leaders' Conference of the NSDAP in the main office in Schellingstrasse, Munich
27 April 1930
Reich Leaders' Conference of the NSDAP in the main office in Schellingstrasse, Munich
1 January 1931
The Brown House (Braunes Haus) opens and becomes the official Headquarters of the NSDAP at Brienner Straße 34 in Munich
1 January 1931
The Brown House (Braunes Haus) opens and becomes the official Headquarters of the NSDAP at Brienner Straße 34 in Munich (Heinrich Hoffmann)
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
13 January 1931
Group photo in Munich for the inauguration of the Braun Haus (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
29 March 1931
Adolf Hitler in Heinrich Hoffmann's garden at the confirmation (renewal of baptismal promises) of Heinrich Hoffmann junior
29 March 1931
Adolf Hitler in Heinrich Hoffmann's garden at the confirmation (renewal of baptismal promises) of Heinrich Hoffmann junior
5 May 1931
Julius Schaub's wedding dinner in Hitler's private appartment in Munich. Adolf Hitler was the witness to the wedding
15 June 1931
Adolf Hitler visits an SA Reichsführerschule
October 1932
Adolf Hitler in Munich's airport (Oberwiesenfeld) during the electoral campaign with his pilot Hans Baur, adjutants Julius Schaub and Wilhelm Brückner, and Hermann Esser
5 October 1932
Adolf Hitler in the restaurant Osteria Bavaria in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler greets Alberto Vassallo di Torregrossa, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bavaria on the occasion of the Day of German art in Munich
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler watches a parade at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art, which will replace the Glass Palace
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler watches a parade at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art, which will replace the Glass Palace
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art
8 November 1933
Opening of the Party museum in the Sterneckerbraeuhaus
8 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech to party members in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller for the 10th anniversary of the putsch attempt
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler and participants of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle for the 10th anniversary commemoration
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler receives the honorary citizenship of Munich in the Brown House
24 February 1934
Adolf Hitler greets party members in Munich's Hofbräuhaus for the 14th anniversary of the Parteigründungsfeier (creation of the NSDAP)
19 March 1934
Hitler gives a speech to the old fighters about the National Socialist revolution in Munich's exhibition hall
24 September 1934
Private photo of Hitler greeting a crowd from his car in Munich
24 September 1934
Private photo of Hitler in his car in Munich
9 November 1934
Inclusion of the 18-year-old Hitler Youth in the NSDAP during the eleventh anniversary of Hitler’s putsch in Munich
17 March 1935
Adolf Hitler leaves his Junkers JU 52 D-2600 aircraft in Munich's airfield
9 June 1935
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Gerdy Troost and architect Leonhard Gall in Munich's Königsplatz
3 November 1935
Adolf Hitler at the inauguration of the rebuild of Ludwigsbrücke in Munich
9 November 1935
Putsch commemoration march towards the Feldherrenhalle
23 February 1936
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the anniversary of the Party in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
5 April 1936
Leonhard Gall, Adolf Hitler, and Albert Speer visit the construction site of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich
13 May 1936
In the Führer's private apartment in Munich, Adolf Hitler pose as the best man at his pilot Hans Baur's wedding
9 November 1936
Hitler and the old fighters at the reenactment of Munich’s Putsch
24 December 1936
Adolf Hitler greets Gauleiter Wagner at the Christmas party in Loewenbraeukeller
24 December 1936
Adolf Wagner speaks at the Christmas party in Loewenbraeukeller
24 December 1936
Adolf Hitler with the old fighters at Christmas Eve in the Loewenbraeukeller in Munich
10 February 1937
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels in the workshop of the sculptor Josef Thorak with Thorak’s bust of Atatürk behind him
24 February 1937
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Munich's Hofbräuhaus for the anniversary of the founding of the party
4 July 1937
Adolf Hitler leaves the Orthopedic Clinic of Munich after his visit
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler at the tribune for the Tag der Deutschen Kunst in Munich
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler speaking at the inauguration of the House of German Art, Munich
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler at the inauguration of the House of German Art, Munich
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler touring the House of German Art, Munich
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler touring the House of German Art, Munich
7 August 1937
Adolf Hitler at the wedding of Marion Schönemann, a friend of Eva Braun, in Munich; from Eva Braun's albums (heinrich Hoffmann photo)
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler leaving his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler leaving his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler speaks with a woman in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler speaks with two women in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
5 September 1937
Adolf Hitler with two women in front of his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz in Munich
25 September 1937
Adolf Hitler meets Benito Mussolini at the Duce's arrival in Munich's train station
25 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini at Munich's Ehrentempel
25 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini at Munich's Ehrentempel
25 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini wave at the crowd from the Führerbau balcony in München
25 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini wave at the crowd from the Führerbau balcony in München
8 November 1937
Adolf Hitler during his speech in the Bürgerbräukeller for the commemoration of the putsch
22 December 1937
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of General Erich Ludendorff in München
22 December 1937
Adolf Hitler at the state funeral ceremony for general Ludendorff in Munich
22 December 1937
Adolf Hitler gives his condolences to Mathilde Ludendorff at the f uneral ceremony for general Ludendorff in Munich
22 January 1938
Adolf Hitler with Yugoslavian Prime minister Milan Stojadinović and his wife Augusta in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst
12 March 1938
Adolf Hitler and Wilhelm Keitel arrive in an open car at Munich's airport before their flight to Austria
6 July 1938
Hitler with Ulrich Graf and his wife for Graf's 60th Birthday in his Munich appartment
8 July 1938
Adolf Hitler and director Karl Kolb visit the new Grossen Deutschen Kunstausstelung in Munich's Haus der Deutschen Kunst
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst at his arrival for the opening of the great German art exhibition in Munich
10 July 1938
Opening of the great German art exhibition in Munich
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the opening of the great German art exhibition in Munich
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler speaks at the opening of an exhibition in the House of German art in Munich
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler presents Myron's Discobolus, which he just purchased, in Munich's Glyptothek
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler presents Myron's Discobolus, which he just purchased, in Munich's Glyptothek
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler visits the newly open great German art exhibition in Munich
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler visits the newly open great German art exhibition in Munich
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler greets Benito Mussolini in Munich's station at their arrival before the Munich conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler greets Benito Mussolini and Galeazzo Ciano in Munich's station at their arrival before the Munich conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler leaves Munich's station with Mussolini, Ciano and his staff before the Munich conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler and Galeazzo Ciano Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler and Galeazzo Ciano Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Chamberlain (covered by Hitler), Hitler, Mussolini, and Daladier negotiating at the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
During the negotiations at the Führerbau w. Benito Mussolini, Hermann Göring, Paul Otto Schmidt, Neville Chamberlain
29 September 1938
Daladier, the French Prime Minister, speaking to Hitler through interpreter Paul Schmidt, at the Munich Conference in München
29 September 1938
Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano at the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler leaves the Führerbau in Munich for a pause during the negotiations
29 September 1938
Hermann Göring, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini, Paul Schmidt, Adolf Hitler and Édouard Daladier during the negociations of the Munci conference
29 September 1938
Conversation between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during the negotiations of the Munich conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler with the French prime minister Edouard Daladier signing the Munich agreement after the negotiations
29 September 1938
Benito Mussolini shaking hands with French prime minister Edouard Daladier after the signing of the Munich agreement
29 September 1938
The Munich agreement is signed by Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini, giving Germany the right to claim the Sudetenland
30 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini leave the Führerbau after the signature of the Munich Agreement
30 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini leave the Führerbau after the signature of the Munich Agreement
30 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain signed this document the day after the Munich agreement to confirm the Anglo-German Declaration of non aggression
30 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich's station as the Duce leaves Germany following the Munich conference
30 September 1938
Adolf Hitler says goodbye to Benito Mussolini and Galeazzo Ciano in Munich's station at their departure after the Munich conference
30 September 1938
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Adolf Hitler at dinner during Chamberlain's 1938 appeasement visit to Munich
3 October 1938
Hitler in Asch
15 October 1938
Adolf Hitler during a visit to the atelier of architect Woldemar Brinkmann, he is shown the plans for Munich's opera and Berlin's Reichstag
15 October 1938
Adolf Hitler during a visit to the atelier of architect Woldemar Brinkmann, he is shown the plans for Munich's opera and Berlin's Reichstag
8 November 1938
Treffen der Alten Kämpfer im Bürgerbräukeller in München
8 November 1938
Gedenken zum 9.November
8 November 1938
Adolf Hitler in Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch seems to be looking at the hole in the ceiling from the shot he made in 1923
8 November 1938
Hitler at Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler shakes hands with Heinrich Himmler during the 1938 Putsch commemoration in Munich
9 November 1938
Gedenken zum 9.November
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler and his old comrades march through Munich for the Pustch reenactment
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring in front of the Bürgerbräukeller
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler at the fifteenth reenactment of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler at the fifteenth commemoration of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Der 9. November in München
9 November 1938
Adolf Hilter lays a wreath in Munich's Ehrentempel during the commemoration of the Beer hall putsch
9 November 1938
Gedenken zum 9.November
10 December 1938
Adolf Hitler and Minister Ferruccio Lantini in front of a model of the Rundes Platz in Berlin at the opening of the architecture and applied arts exhibition in Munich's Haus der Deutschen Kunst
26 March 1939
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of Gerhard Wagner in Munich
5 April 1939
Adolf Hitler at the wedding of Hermann Esser, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
1 July 1939
Adolf Hitler visits Heinrich Hoffmann's publishing house in Munich, from Eva Braun's albums
16 July 1939
August von Finck makes a speech on the occasion of the opening of the Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellung in Munich
16 July 1939
Adolf Hitler makes a speech on the occasion of the opening of the Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellung in Munich
16 July 1939
8 November 1939
Poster announcing Adolf Hitler's speech for the 1923 putsch commemoration in Munich's Burgerbraükeller, just before the failed bombing attempt by Georg Elser
8 November 1939
Adolf Hitler speaking to participants of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch just before the failed bombing attempt by Georg Elser. The bomb was placed in the pillar behind Hitler.
8 November 1939
Adolf Hitler unexpectedly shortened his speech by 40 minutes, leaving the Bürgerbräukeller a few minutes before the bomb exploded. Georg Elser was arrested at the Swiss border.
11 November 1939
Adolf Hitler visits the damaged Bürgerbräukeller after the assassination attempt against him by Georg Elser
11 November 1939
Adolf Hitler at the commemoration for the victims from the bombing of the Bürgerbräukeller
11 November 1939
At the commemoration for the victims from the bombing of the Bürgerbräukeller on November 8, 1939 by Johann Georg Elser immediately after one of Hitler's speeches commemorating the Beer Hall Putsch
24 February 1940
Adolf Hitler making a speech for the Parteigründungsfeier in the Hofbraühaus Munich, with a nice view of the24 2 1920 commemorative plaque
18 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini greet the crowd in Munich's station
18 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini ride a car in Munich, where they met the day after France's surrender to discuss immediate plans
18 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on a car parade through Munich
21 March 1941
Adolf Hitler talking to foreign minister László Bárdossy (Hungary) in the Führerbau in Munich
12 June 1941
Adolf Hitler greets Ion Antonescu at his arrival in Munich
12 June 1941
Antonescu and Adolf Hitler at the Führerbau in Munich
8 November 1941
Gauleiter Wagner makes a speech to welcome the Führer
8 November 1941
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Munich's Löwenbräukeller for the Putsch commemoration
8 November 1943
Munich's Gauleiter Paul Giesler makes a speech in Munich's Löwenbräukeller on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Pustch
8 November 1943
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Munich's Löwenbräukeller for the 20th anniversation of the Putsch
17 April 1944
Adolf Hitler salutes at the funeral of Adolf Wagner in the congress hall of Munich's Deutsches Museum
17 April 1944
Adolf Hitler salutes at the funeral of Adolf Wagner in the congress hall of Munich's Deutsches Museum
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